Terrell James: Threshold

Cadogan Books
Publisher: Cadogan Books.

ISBN: 978-1-3999-0375-2

Dimensions: 25cm x 31cm

Pages: 235

Threshold is the first major monograph of Texan artist Terrell James. The book is divided into 'chapters' each of which themes in James's life and work; color, light, line, scale, time and place. Each chapter begins with an introductory essay by renowned art critic Stephanie Buhmann where she explores James's connection and inspiration behind each theme with thoughtful commentary on the paintings most representative of them.


The book also debuts images of Terrell James's phenomenal 100ft drawing 'Terrain' made in conjunction with her exhibition Second Sight at Cadogan in October 2021. 'Terrain' is on display for a limited time only at Cadogan's exhibition space in Hampshire, where it extends an impressive 100ft wide. Threshold gives readers an intimate look at this extraordinary installation with crisp and rich images of every section of the piece as well as photographs of its sheer scale in the space.


An in-depth interview between Terrell James and art historian and curator at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, Ann Dumas brings the book to a close with a friendly and insightful discussion covering topics spanning James's life and career.