When There Is No Category for a Film in a Native American Language on Oscar Night, Clearly It Is in a League of Its Own, 202135mm film (Windwalker, 1980), 35mm and 16mm white film leader, gold metallic braid, plexiglass tube core24 1/4 x 15 x 15 in
Dreaming Indians into an Ethnographic Past, 202135mm film (Windwalker, 1980), 35mm white film leader, silver metallic braid, plexiglass tube core18 1/4 x 15 x 15 in
As the Arctic Sea Ice Melts, Water Will Flood the Land, 201816mm film (“At the Autumn River Camp, Part 2,” 1967), blue and white film leader, silver and black braid16 1/2 x 9 x 9 in
When Will the Red Leader Overshadow Images of the 19th Century Noble Savage in Hollywood Films that Some Think are Sympathetic to American Indians, 201835mm film (from "Windwalker," 1981), red and white film leader, silver braid15 1/2 x 14 x 14 in
How Can You Hunt Seals When the Ice Is Replaced with Land and Water?, 202116mm film (At the Winter Sea Ice Camp, 1967); blue, green and white 16mm film leader; gold metallic braid10 x 7 x 7 in
When There Is No Category for a Film in a Native American Language on Oscar Night, Clearly It Is in a League of Its Own, 2021
35mm film (Windwalker, 1980), 35mm and 16mm white film leader, gold metallic braid, plexiglass tube core
24 1/4 x 15 x 15 in
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Acclaimed and beloved artist, poet and writer Gail Tremblay has passed. This is a hard loss and we are deeply saddened. Gail was integral to the gallery’s identity and activities over the past 25 years and brought us great inspiration. Gail found great satisfaction in recent years as her work entered esteemed museum collections, as her writings were published widely, and as plans developed for an upcoming major solo museum presentation. ( Details will be announced soon) Gail Tremblay will always be a leader. We remember Gail with fondest joy, and appreciation for her endless enthusiasm, kindness and generosity.
Rest in Peace Gail.
May 5, 2023