Rick Bartow
Ulysses , 1979-1980
graphite on cotton rag paper
24 x 19 in
R. E. Bartow Trusts
$ 6,000.00
Summer 1980 Chris Christensen purchased this drawing directly from Rick Bartow. Chris lived in Newport, OR, ran a gallery with his wife and saw Rick Bartow often in the community....
Summer 1980 Chris Christensen purchased this drawing directly from Rick Bartow. Chris lived in Newport, OR, ran a gallery with his wife and saw Rick Bartow often in the community. Chris remembers Bartow titling this "Ulysses," and Bartow included "... lashed to the mast listening to the syrens." Bartow was a constant reader, this is one of the earliest known examples of Bartow taking inspiration from literature for his art.