Rick Bartow
Compulsion, 2007
monotype on handmade Japanese paper
22 x 16 inches
55.9 x 40.6 cms
55.9 x 40.6 cms
R. E. Bartow Trusts
$ 5,000.00
An image of German artist Horst Janssen, wearing high heels and another person watching. Bertold Brecht homage. Bertoldt Brecht wrote 'Three Penny Opera' (Beggar's Opera); Rick loved that play/musical and...
An image of German artist Horst Janssen, wearing high heels and another person watching.
Bertold Brecht homage. Bertoldt Brecht wrote "Three Penny Opera" (Beggar's Opera); Rick loved that play/musical and made several works over the years inspired by it. At the top of the print Rick wrote "Die Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit" (Ballad of sexual compulsion)- a song in the play. Rick also wrote on the side of this work "The meaning of life is that ... it stops" Rick also depicts the German Artist Horst Janssen- the central figure... also - an artist that Rick admired grately (and knew).
Bertold Brecht homage. Bertoldt Brecht wrote "Three Penny Opera" (Beggar's Opera); Rick loved that play/musical and made several works over the years inspired by it. At the top of the print Rick wrote "Die Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit" (Ballad of sexual compulsion)- a song in the play. Rick also wrote on the side of this work "The meaning of life is that ... it stops" Rick also depicts the German Artist Horst Janssen- the central figure... also - an artist that Rick admired grately (and knew).
2011 Art For Japan benefit2008 NauHaus, Houston, TX